Principles, Legal Form, Statutes and Rules of Organisation

Cooperative governance is an important element of the Migros culture. The proper and diligent management of the cooperative is one of the core responsibilities of the Board of Directors and Executive Board. As decision makers, they are aware of their economic, social and environmental responsibility to all stakeholders.

The Board of Directors and the Executive Board of Migros attach great importance to sound management. Those who make decisions and set policy are constantly striving to find the right balance between the conflicting priorities in the expectations of the Cooperative members, employees, customers, consumers and business partners. To live up to this high ideal, Migros, as the number one in the Swiss retail sector, is oriented to the needs of its stakeholders. This involves open communication and the greatest possible transparency.

Legal form and task

The Federation of Migros Cooperatives (FMC) is a cooperative association as defined by Art. 921 et seq. of the Swiss Law of Obligations (OR). The FMC, the regional Migros Cooperatives affiliated to it, the business enterprises owned by them and the Migros foundations together constitute the Migros Community , or simply Migros.
The Federation of Migros Cooperatives coordinates the activities of the Migros Community and determines the strategy for Migros; it is also a Migros service provider. The FMC is responsible for covering the needs of the Cooperatives affiliated to it by a system of combined purchasing and production, and by establishing, acquiring and taking a participatory interest in business enterprises of all kinds.

The organs of the FMC are the Assembly of Delegates, the Board of Directors, the Executive Board and the Board of Control.

Statutes and rules of organisation

The organisation of the FMC is set out in the company statutes (version of 27 October 2007) and in the rules of organisation of the Assembly of Delegates (version of 27 October 2007) and the rules of organisation of the Board of Directors (version of 1 February 2003).