Income Statement
Federation of Migros Cooperatives

CHF thousand
Net sales revenue215'364'4145'414'159
Other operating income22255'727227'555
Total operating income 5'620'1415'641'714
Cost of materials, goods and purchased services 4'767'2724'784'923
Gross operating profit 852'869856'791
Personnel expenses23235'648226'180
Advertising expenses24282'795258'395
Administration expenses25242'307186'840
Earnings before income and taxes (EBIT) 77'627175'091
Financial income and expenses27- 61'758151'661
Other income and expenses283'757-11'439
Profit before taxes 19'625315'313
Taxes 5'24473'240
Net profit 14'381242'073


The Notes referred to above can be found in the full Migros Group Annual Report (under Download).