Overview of Migros

In Dialogue with Migros

As Switzerland's largest retailer and private employer, Migros is in touch with numerous stakeholder groups. The dialogue helps it to identify and respond to issues in society at an early stage.

At Migros, dialogue with stakeholders is an important element in defining and implementing the company's objectives. It reflects Migros' commitment to corporate responsibility, an open corporate culture and a preventative approach to societal issues. The website provides information about the most important memberships and partnerships.


Customers are Migros' largest group of stakeholders. In the reporting year, the company counted around 441 million customer contacts at the checkout in Cooperative Retailing.


Customers are Migros' largest group of stakeholders. In the reporting year, the company counted around 441 million customer contacts at the checkout in Cooperative Retailing.

The company communicates with its customers through various channels, such as M-Infoline, where customers can share their suggestions or opinions about products, and via Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat. M-Infoline was contacted 173'921 times in 2017. On the community platform Migipedia, Migros develops new products together with its customers. The nutrition department provides advice on dietary issues relating to Migros products.

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In 2017, the Migros Group employed a total of 105'456 people in Switzerland and abroad. It also trained 3'860 trainees in over 50 professions.


In 2017, the Migros Group employed a total of 105'456 people in Switzerland and abroad. It also trained 3'860 trainees in over 50 professions in retail, industrial, logistics and service companies.

Migros employees benefit from progressive and responsible working conditions, an occupational health management system and, with the N-CLA, one of the largest and best collective labour agreements in Switzerland.

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Cooperative members

At the end of 2017, Migros had around 2.2 million cooperative members in its ten regional Cooperatives. 

Cooperative members

At the end of 2017, Migros had around 2.2 million cooperative members in its ten regional Cooperatives. These members are equal co-owners of their regional cooperative.

The members are kept informed regularly of the latest events in their regions via Migros' own media (Migros-Magazin, Migros Magazine, Azione) and the Cooperative Councils. In addition to the official publication, Migros reaches a large readership via its magazines (Migusto, Vivai) and the associated websites.

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Business partners

As a founding member of the Swiss platform for sustainable cocoa, Migros made a commitment to more sustainability in the production and value-added chains in 2017.

Business partners

As a founding member of the Swiss platform for sustainable cocoa, Migros made a commitment to more sustainability in the production and value-added chains in 2017, with the aim of improving the living conditions of cocoa producers and their families.

Alongside maintaining strict quality and safety standards, it is important to Migros to ensure that its products are made under socially responsible, safe working conditions and that they originate from environmentally sustainable sources. It meets these requirements by working closely with suppliers and manufacturers in Switzerland and abroad.

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Economic policy

Migros actively engages in political dialogue on issues relating to the economy, agriculture, consumption, the environment and food.

Economic policy

Migros actively engages in political dialogue on issues relating to the economy, agriculture, consumption, the environment and food. The FMC's Directorate of Economic Policy represents the interests of the Migros Group and its customers towards political authorities, parties and organisations. As part of the Swiss retail stakeholder group (IG DHS), Migros is also committed to the concerns of consumers and to ensuring good general conditions for Swiss retailers.

Migros took measures to combat shopping tourism in 2017. It also continued to campaign against the absorption of consumer purchasing power by international companies, and advocated a more consumer-friendly range of over-the-counter medications.

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Non-governmental organisations

Migros maintains open dialogue with numerous non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

Non-governmental organisations

Migros maintains open dialogue with numerous non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The aim is to identify at an early stage which topics they address and to find interesting ideas. Migros also collaborates with NGOs on specific projects and issues.

Together with WWF, it has set itself the target of obtaining all bananas in the Migros range from environmentally and socially sustainable cultivation by the end of 2017. WWF Germany will provide a report on the implementation status in the summer of 2018.

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Media professionals

As Switzerland's largest retailer, Migros is a popular partner for the media.

Media professionals

As Switzerland's largest retailer, Migros is a popular partner for the media. It announced its results for the year at a financial press conference on 28 March 2017; M-Industry communicated its results at an annual press breakfast.

In the reporting year, more than 6'600 enquiries from media professionals were received by the media office of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives (FMC), on issues such as food residues, the impact of digitalisation on retail, products for consumers with special requirements, and animal welfare. In addition, Migros was asked to provide policy-related opinions, such as on the price of milk and pension reform.

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Migros continuously refines its products and production processes. It also promotes scientific research.


Migros continuously refines its products and production processes. It also promotes scientific research. To this end, the specialists in the individual departments maintain close dialogue with universities and other research institutions.

In 2017, various projects were conducted with partners including the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and Agroscope. For example, Migros supported a project to combat the pollen beetle with scent instead of pesticides. The aim of the collaboration is to improve raw materials and food, and further develop processing methods.

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In Dialogue with Migros (pdf, 1.12 MB)