Balance Sheet Migros Group


  Migros Group Retail and
Industry sector2
Financial Services
CHF million
CHF million
CHF million
CHF million
CHF million
CHF million
Cash and cash equivalents 3'167.2 3'148.8 1'236.2 1'462.9 2'478.6 2'034.0
Receivables due from banks 383.3 91.3 418.7 134.9 - -
Mortgage and other customer receivables 27'530.7 26'476.9 - - 27'575.5 26'516.8
Other receivables 718.5 905.8 719.9 874.3 - 32.1
Inventories 2'056.0 2'093.7 2'056.0 2'093.7 - -
Other financial assets 3'369.0 3'022.4 1'179.3 1'067.3 2'189.7 1'955.0
Investments in associated companies 96.7 101.7 834.1 839.2 - -
Investment property 300.8 327.3 269.1 295.2 31.7 32.1
Tangible assets 11'236.7 10'887.5 11'079.7 10'731.7 157.0 155.9
Intangible assets 1'207.4 1'190.9 1'094.4 1'132.5 113.0 58.4
Other assets 738.9 494.6 676.6 456.4 57.1 38.1
TOTAL ASSETS 50'805.2 48'740.9 19'564.0 19'088.1 32'602.6 30'822.4
Payables due to banks 1'063.5 1'257.4 1'069.4 1'250.4 38.9 58.8
Customer deposits and liabilities 23'080.1 21'114.0 - - 23'661.4 21'491.8
Other financial liabilities 1'887.5 2'224.2 1'880.5 2'208.5 7.0 15.7
Other liabilities 2'626.0 2'718.5 2'428.0 2'457.0 201.1 264.0
Provisions 113.1 120.4 110.1 115.2 3.0 5.1
Issued debt instruments 6'525.2 7'030.8 646.0 643.8 5'879.2 6'387.0
Liabilities from employee benefits 527.2 546.7 513.5 536.7 20.9 17.3
Current income tax payables 195.4 109.7 169.2 94.4 26.2 15.3
Deferred income tax liabilities 1'423.8 1'365.2 1'112.4 1'083.6 308.8 280.1
Total liabilities 37'441.8 36'486.9 7'929.1 8'389.6 30'146.5 28'535.1
Total shareholders´ equity including minority interests 13'363.4 12'254.0 11'634.9 10'698.5 2'456.1 2'287.3
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 50'805.2 48'740.9 19'564.0 19'088.1 32'602.6 30'822.4

1 Restated due to changed requirements of IAS 38 concerning the timing of recognition of catalogue costs.

2 Unaudited; before consolidation of transactions between the two sectors.