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Migros Annual Report 2018

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Key Figures 2018 CHF 28.5 billion


All key figures for 2018


Key figures 2018

CHF million
except where indicated
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Change compared with previous year
Income 27'375 27'406 27'738 28'071 28'453 1.4%
of which income before financial services business 26'502 26'546 26'921 27'292 27'677 1.4%
of which Migros retail sales 23'052 22'996 23'269 23'296 23'729 1.9%
of which (income) of the Cooperatives 15'910 15'613 15'634 15'557 15'921 2.3%
Total Migros distribution sites 648 659 685 701 727 3.7%
Total Migros sales area 1'362'083 1'377'633 1'397'454 1'402'169 1'476'827 5.3%
EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) 2'392 2'314 2'281 2'103 2'118 0.7%
as % of income 8.7 8.4 8.2 7.5 7.4
of which EBITDA of the retail and industry sector 2'076 2'000 1'981 1'795 1'796 0.1%
EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) 1'126 982 911 603 651 7.8%
as % of income 4.1 3.6 3.3 2.1 2.3
Profit 826 791 663 503 475 -5.5%
as % of income 3.0 2.9 2.4 1.8 1.7
Cash flow from operating activity 2'362 2'696 2'503 1'170 1'361 16.3%
as % of income 8.6 9.8 9.0 4.2 4.8
of which cash flow from the retail and industry sector 1'703 2'047 1'658 1'619 1'641 1.4%
Investments 1'641 1'356 1'663 1'476 1'516 2.7%
Equity 15'970 16'802 17'455 17'913 18'417 2.8%
as % of balance sheet total 26.4 27.0 27.5 27.7 27.7
of which equity of the retail and industry sector 13'548 14'181 14'646 14'931 15'282 2.4%
as % of balance sheet total 65.4 66.5 67.5 67.3 67.1
Balance sheet total 60'585 62'138 63'537 64'581 66'601 3.1%
of which balance sheet total of the retail and industry sector 20'709 21'323 21'703 22'176 22'789 2.8%
Migros Cooperative
Number of Migros cooperative members 2'155'331 2'166'145 2'182'171 2'187'818 2'215'194 1.3%
Workforce (people annual average) 97'456 100'373 102'851 105'456 106'622 1.1%
Full-time positions 71'056 72'609 74'305 75'302 75'542 0.3%
Trainees 3'650 3'700 3'775 3'860 3'833 -0.7%
Society & culture
Migros Culture Percentage expenses 122 120 120 122 120 -1.6%
Expenses Engagement Migros development fund (Migros Group) 6 9 10 15 16 6.7%
Total sales of sustainable, health and regional label Cooperative Retailing 3'401 3'649 3'882 4'021 4'235 5.3%
Greenhouse gas emissions, absolute (in 1000 tonnes CO2-eq) 306.9 303.1 300.4 288.9 280.8 -2.8%
Energy consumption, Migros group (in GWh) 1'731 1'747 1'757 1'739 1'697 -2.4%
Installed solar power plants owned by Migros (in kWp) 13'795 21'402 27'055 27'832 29'742 6.9%
Migros Group, rail transport kilometrage
(in km million)
11.6 11.5 12.5 13.3 13.8 3.8%
Recycling rate (in %) 76.8 78.0 77.7 77.8 74.1 -4.8%

Key Figures 2018 CHF 28.5 billion


All key figures for 2018


Key figures 2018

CHF million
except where indicated
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Change compared with previous year
Income 27'375 27'406 27'738 28'071 28'453 1.4%
of which income before financial services business 26'502 26'546 26'921 27'292 27'677 1.4%
of which Migros retail sales 23'052 22'996 23'269 23'296 23'729 1.9%
of which (income) of the Cooperatives 15'910 15'613 15'634 15'557 15'921 2.3%
Total Migros distribution sites 648 659 685 701 727 3.7%
Total Migros sales area 1'362'083 1'377'633 1'397'454 1'402'169 1'476'827 5.3%
EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) 2'392 2'314 2'281 2'103 2'118 0.7%
as % of income 8.7 8.4 8.2 7.5 7.4
of which EBITDA of the retail and industry sector 2'076 2'000 1'981 1'795 1'796 0.1%
EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) 1'126 982 911 603 651 7.8%
as % of income 4.1 3.6 3.3 2.1 2.3
Profit 826 791 663 503 475 -5.5%
as % of income 3.0 2.9 2.4 1.8 1.7
Cash flow from operating activity 2'362 2'696 2'503 1'170 1'361 16.3%
as % of income 8.6 9.8 9.0 4.2 4.8
of which cash flow from the retail and industry sector 1'703 2'047 1'658 1'619 1'641 1.4%
Investments 1'641 1'356 1'663 1'476 1'516 2.7%
Equity 15'970 16'802 17'455 17'913 18'417 2.8%
as % of balance sheet total 26.4 27.0 27.5 27.7 27.7
of which equity of the retail and industry sector 13'548 14'181 14'646 14'931 15'282 2.4%
as % of balance sheet total 65.4 66.5 67.5 67.3 67.1
Balance sheet total 60'585 62'138 63'537 64'581 66'601 3.1%
of which balance sheet total of the retail and industry sector 20'709 21'323 21'703 22'176 22'789 2.8%
Migros Cooperative
Number of Migros cooperative members 2'155'331 2'166'145 2'182'171 2'187'818 2'215'194 1.3%
Workforce (people annual average) 97'456 100'373 102'851 105'456 106'622 1.1%
Full-time positions 71'056 72'609 74'305 75'302 75'542 0.3%
Trainees 3'650 3'700 3'775 3'860 3'833 -0.7%
Society & culture
Migros Culture Percentage expenses 122 120 120 122 120 -1.6%
Expenses Engagement Migros development fund (Migros Group) 6 9 10 15 16 6.7%
Total sales of sustainable, health and regional label Cooperative Retailing 3'401 3'649 3'882 4'021 4'235 5.3%
Greenhouse gas emissions, absolute (in 1000 tonnes CO2-eq) 306.9 303.1 300.4 288.9 280.8 -2.8%
Energy consumption, Migros group (in GWh) 1'731 1'747 1'757 1'739 1'697 -2.4%
Installed solar power plants owned by Migros (in kWp) 13'795 21'402 27'055 27'832 29'742 6.9%
Migros Group, rail transport kilometrage
(in km million)
11.6 11.5 12.5 13.3 13.8 3.8%
Recycling rate (in %) 76.8 78.0 77.7 77.8 74.1 -4.8%

Key Figures 2018 106'622


All key figures for 2018


Key figures 2018

CHF million
except where indicated
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Change compared with previous year
Income 27'375 27'406 27'738 28'071 28'453 1.4%
of which income before financial services business 26'502 26'546 26'921 27'292 27'677 1.4%
of which Migros retail sales 23'052 22'996 23'269 23'296 23'729 1.9%
of which (income) of the Cooperatives 15'910 15'613 15'634 15'557 15'921 2.3%
Total Migros distribution sites 648 659 685 701 727 3.7%
Total Migros sales area 1'362'083 1'377'633 1'397'454 1'402'169 1'476'827 5.3%
EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) 2'392 2'314 2'281 2'103 2'118 0.7%
as % of income 8.7 8.4 8.2 7.5 7.4
of which EBITDA of the retail and industry sector 2'076 2'000 1'981 1'795 1'796 0.1%
EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) 1'126 982 911 603 651 7.8%
as % of income 4.1 3.6 3.3 2.1 2.3
Profit 826 791 663 503 475 -5.5%
as % of income 3.0 2.9 2.4 1.8 1.7
Cash flow from operating activity 2'362 2'696 2'503 1'170 1'361 16.3%
as % of income 8.6 9.8 9.0 4.2 4.8
of which cash flow from the retail and industry sector 1'703 2'047 1'658 1'619 1'641 1.4%
Investments 1'641 1'356 1'663 1'476 1'516 2.7%
Equity 15'970 16'802 17'455 17'913 18'417 2.8%
as % of balance sheet total 26.4 27.0 27.5 27.7 27.7
of which equity of the retail and industry sector 13'548 14'181 14'646 14'931 15'282 2.4%
as % of balance sheet total 65.4 66.5 67.5 67.3 67.1
Balance sheet total 60'585 62'138 63'537 64'581 66'601 3.1%
of which balance sheet total of the retail and industry sector 20'709 21'323 21'703 22'176 22'789 2.8%
Migros Cooperative
Number of Migros cooperative members 2'155'331 2'166'145 2'182'171 2'187'818 2'215'194 1.3%
Workforce (people annual average) 97'456 100'373 102'851 105'456 106'622 1.1%
Full-time positions 71'056 72'609 74'305 75'302 75'542 0.3%
Trainees 3'650 3'700 3'775 3'860 3'833 -0.7%
Society & culture
Migros Culture Percentage expenses 122 120 120 122 120 -1.6%
Expenses Engagement Migros development fund (Migros Group) 6 9 10 15 16 6.7%
Total sales of sustainable, health and regional label Cooperative Retailing 3'401 3'649 3'882 4'021 4'235 5.3%
Greenhouse gas emissions, absolute (in 1000 tonnes CO2-eq) 306.9 303.1 300.4 288.9 280.8 -2.8%
Energy consumption, Migros group (in GWh) 1'731 1'747 1'757 1'739 1'697 -2.4%
Installed solar power plants owned by Migros (in kWp) 13'795 21'402 27'055 27'832 29'742 6.9%
Migros Group, rail transport kilometrage
(in km million)
11.6 11.5 12.5 13.3 13.8 3.8%
Recycling rate (in %) 76.8 78.0 77.7 77.8 74.1 -4.8%

Sustainable Development 2.4% energy

was saved by Migros in 2018

Highlights 2018

Migros' key achievements in 2018


Fabrice Zumbrunnen appointed new CEO

Fabrice Zumbrunnen took over from Herbert Bolliger as the new CEO of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives with effect from 1 January 2018. Zumbrunnen has been a member of the FMC Executive Board since 2012. He was succeeded as Head of the HR, Communication, Culture, Leisure Department by Sarah Kreienbühl at the beginning of the year. Kreienbühl was previously on the Management Board of Sonova AG.


Migros launches Amigos platform

Migros has launched the social shopping platform Amigos, initially as a pilot project. It is based on the idea that Migros customers go shopping for one another; orders are placed via the app. With this platform, which is undergoing tests in Zurich and Berne, Migros is complementing its online shopping options with a new service that focuses on the social aspect.


N-CLA extended until 2022

More than 50'000 employees in 40 Migros Group companies are covered by the Migros National Collective Labour Agreement. N-CLA 2019–2022, which has replaced the agreement that expired on 31 December 2018, ensures that the comprehensive benefits and achievements are preserved and the Migros Group can continue providing exemplary working conditions.


Migros is the world's most responsible retailer

The independent ratings agency ISS-oekom assessed the social and ecological commitment of 151 retailers worldwide. The Migros Group achieved the best result, making it the world's most sustainable retailer in 2018.


Fast Forward bundle of measures

As part of the "Fast Forward" project, the Federation of Migros Cooperatives has identified more than 30 measures to make internal processes leaner and more efficient. Simplifying the organisation and exploiting synergies within the FMC will help to make Migros fit for the future and free up resources for relevant projects.

Zur Rose and Medbase join forces

The Migros-owned Medbase Group serves 450'000 patients in Switzerland with some 1.8 million consultations per year. As part of a strategic partnership, mail-order pharmacy Zur Rose is now the exclusive supplier of medical products to all Medbase centres, thus enabling medical and pharmaceutical competencies to be optimally combined.


Migros launches M-Check

To make product labelling clearer for its customers, Migros has launched M-Check for sustainable products. The products will now feature standardised labelling, with details relating to cultivation methods, supply chain and packaging shown directly on the product. With this aid, Migros is the first retailer in Switzerland to offer guidance through the complex label landscape.

Mibelle Group acquires Gowoonsesang

The M-Industry company Mibelle Group has acquired Seoul-based Gowoonsesang Cosmetics Co., Ltd. With its "Dr. G." brand, Gowoonsesang specialises in dermocosmetics and fits perfectly into the international export strategy of the Mibelle Group and the health strategy of the Migros Group.


Launch of the musical "Supermarkt Ladies"

Migros is launching the musical "Supermarkt Ladies". The music and dance show will be touring through nine Swiss towns with "Das Zelt" until June 2019. "Supermarkt Ladies" is the world's first interactive musical. The audience plays the staff of a fictitious supermarket and can decide at various points how the play progresses.


Matthias Wunderlin appointed new Head of Marketing

The Board of Directors of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives has appointed Matthias Wunderlin as the new Head of the Marketing Department and a member of the Executive Board. The economist (*1973) will succeed Hansueli Siber on 1 January 2019, who is taking on more strategic roles outside Migros. Wunderlin previously served as Head of Retail Digital Division within the FMC.

Partnership with Digitec Galaxus strengthened

The Migros specialist markets and Near/Non Food are strengthening their partnership with the online retailer Galaxus. More than 14'000 products of the two divisions will now be available online at The focus is on Migros' own brands, which make up about 80% of the new range. Digitec Galaxus is Switzerland's leading online retailer.

Medbase Group acquires Topwell AG

The Migros-owned Medbase Group has announced the takeover of Topwell Apotheken and its approximately 40 branches. The Topwell chain, which has more than 600 employees, will be integrated into the Medbase Group this year. Migros is thereby plugging a gap in Swiss integrated care as part of its health strategy. The transaction is subject to review by the Competition Commission.

More highlights