Sustainable workplace quality

If a business enterprise is to stand out from the crowd, to be unique and successful, it must have the capacity to encourage motivation and performance among its employees through sustainable workplace quality. Good workplace quality in turn goes hand in hand with greater satisfaction and higher productivity.

The conscious decision to aim for a high level of workplace quality has always been one of the fundamental concepts at Migros, and is constantly reviewed. A 2008 survey on working conditions in the retail sector, carried out by an independent market and opinion research institute, affirmed that Migros is a better than average and family friendly employer. A comprehensive survey in 2009 of 2,000 people from all parts of the country, based on internationally recognised standards confirmed this pleasing result.

Employees rate job security, the promotion of their continuing professional development, labour market skills and the compatibility of career and family at Migros as better than average. The same is true of working conditions, which are acknowledged and rated as progressive. The sense of identification among employees with the aims and values of Migros is correspondingly high, and their satisfaction in their work, careers and life generally is significantly above the average for Switzerland as a whole. A working environment that is tolerant and free of discrimination also plays a key role. The fact that all employees also take a particularly positive view of this aspect of workplace quality is very gratifying. For Migros, which employs people from 147 nations, this is an endorsement of its strategy to work consistently towards the social and occupational integration of these employees in a climate of mutual respect and mutual consideration.

The judgement of the population tallies fundamentally and broadly with that of the employees. The population has clear ideas and a clear image of Migros. Migros is not just the most popular retail enterprise in Switzerland, it also leads in the areas of trustworthiness and personnel, as is borne out by a numerous representative studies. Quality of products and services, corporate governance and social commitment at Migros are singled out in particular as decisive factors. Migros also achieved a podium finish in respect of workplace quality.

All of these statements, accolades and findings are an incentive for Migros to continue to pursue its commitment to good, sustainable workplace quality.

The quality of our workplace must always be so high that employees make a conscious decision to choose Migros as their employer. The Migros’ working conditions have set the standard in each of the 29 branches in which the Migros Group is active. They are, in many ways, exemplary and pace-setting. Working for Migros is not only different – it’s better. See for yourself at work-at-migros (in german)