Workforce and Staff Movements

Within Migros Group, Cooperative Retailing, which employed some 65% of employees in 2011, has an identity forging position. Th Migros Group also offers – in its five strategic business units Cooperative Retailing, Commerce, Industry & Wholesale, Financial Services, Travel – a variety of tasks in different roles and professions. This variety is the source of both corporate and HR policy strength, and is a challenge.

In 2011 Migros Group increased its workforce by 3.3% to 86 393 employees, i.e. 63 462 full-time jobs. This is down to the first-time consolidation of Gries Deco Company GmbH as well as the expansion in individual companies of Migros Group. Contrary developments are, in particular, the sale of Limmatdruck AG and Zeiler AG. Seen over several years, a calculation for the period from 2006 to 2011 shows consolidated employment growth of more than 8% despite the turbulence in the domestic and global economies.

Chart Workforce

CHART - MA Personenbestand

The structuring of Migros Group into five strategic business areas – Cooperative Retailing, Commerce, Industry & Wholesale, Financial Services, Travel –, which are in turn assigned one or more business units, reflects the variety of industries, sectors and markets in which the employees are active in entirely different roles and jobs. Added to this are further companies, which include, in addition to foundations, in particular Shared Services with the national logistics services centres Migros Verteilzentrum Suhr AG (for food) and Migros Verteilbetriebe Neuendorf AG (for non-food, textiles and frozen produce). This variety of occurring tasks is the source of both corporate and HR policy strength, and is a challenge for Migros Group.

Within Migros Group, cooperative retailing, which employed about 65% of the workforce in 2011, continues to have an identity-forging position. Swiss retail employs a total of some 320 000 people, of whom nearly 20% are employeed by Migros' Cooperative Rretailing. Measured by the number of employees, the other business units also have major economic significance. As such, Migros Industry employs about 30% of the total workforce in Switzerland's food industry. And in the Travel business area, this figure is about 20% of all employees in Switzerland’s travel industry.

Chart Workforce by strategic business units

CHART - MA-Personenbestand nach SGF

Chart Hiring rate

CHART - Einstellungsquote

Chart Fluctuation rate

CHART - Fluktuationsquote

Chart Hiring and fluctuation rates compared

CHART - MA-Einstellungs- und Fluktuationsquote im Vergleich