Subordination to Collective Labour Agreements

The number of employees covered by a collective labour agreement (CLA) is almost twice as high at Migros as in the rest of Switzerland.

In 2012 some 68% of all Migros Group employees in Switzerland were covered either by the Migros national CLA, the CLA for Magazine zum Globus AG, Interio and Office World AG or by the CLA Travel. This came into force on 1 January 2011 and is the latest CLA in the Migros Group.

Chart Subordination to CLA in Migros Group

Subordination to collective work agreements in the Migros Group

The group of employees covered by a CLA is significantly higher at Migros than in other Swiss companies, where only around 40% of employees have a CLA. Collective labour agreements or CLA cover are not yet the rule in Switzerland.

Chart Subordination to CLA compared

CHART - MA-GAV-Unterstellung im Vergleich Migros/Schweiz