Working Hours, Health and Absences

Health, workplace quality, job satisfaction and productivity belong together. Healthy, motivated and productive employees generate the highest value added. For this reason, work and health go hand in hand at Migros.

Health, workplace quality, job satisfaction and productivity belong together. A systematic and sustainable health management is of key significance here. It is integrated in Migros' management systems as a strategic factor and is part of responsible business management. This was again shown in 2011: the proportion of hours worked in the remunerated working hours was held virtually unchanged at about 82% as was the health rate; it stood at 95.35%, which is far above the benchmark of 85%. The non-occupational accident rate remained unchanged on the previous year at 0.48%; the occupational accident rate fell from 0.26% in the previous year to 0.25%.  

Migros has a below-average rate of absences and a below-average length of absences. But it was not possible to prevent the rate of absences from rising slightly from 4.04% to 4.15% last year. For this reason, Migros undertakes a variety of activities in order to create health-promoting working conditions for its employees. Sick employees are accompanied and re-integration procedures after long absences are planned and designed carefully.

Support in the re-integration is also offered to invalidity pensioners. In 2011 Migros employed some 670 people who drew an invalidity pension. This corresponds to 0.8% of the total workforce at Migros in Switzerland. In Cooperative Retailing, this figure stands at 1%; however, the employer is not aware of every pension being drawn.

Charts Working hours, health and absences

CHART - MA-Arbeitsstunden, Urlaube und Absenzen
CHART - MA-Gesundheitsquote
CHART - MA Absenzquote
CHART - MA Wöchentliche Dauer der Absenzen pro Arbeitsstelle