125 years of Chocolat Frey: happy birthday!

Staff Structure

Migros employees are: primarily female, very loyal to their employer and culturally diverse.

Gender structure

Migros is female. In 2012 the Migros Group employed 54'130 women and 33'331 men. The proportion of women was therefore around 62%. The average for the Swiss economy is significantly lower at around 45%.
Migros is committed to a future-oriented personnel policy. The company is aware that increasing the percentage of women in the workforce plays a key role in mastering future economic and demographic challenges.

Chart Employees by gender

CHART - MA-Mitarbeitende nach Geschlecht

Employment structure

Migros is setting the tone for the Swiss labour market with regard to employment, much to the benefit of its employees. Full-time and part-time employment go hand in hand.

Chart Employment level

Employment level


Full- and part-time employment by gender
The proportion of female full-time employees increased slightly in 2012 and lies at around 44%. However, part-time employment remains an important factor for the employment of women and the compatibility of work and family.

Chart Full- and part-time employment by gender

CHART - MA-Voll- und Teilzeitbeschäftigung nach Geschlecht (Migros/Schweiz)

Part-time employment rate
At Migros, part-time employment is also chosen primarily by women. Moreover, whereas around 13% of all employed men in Switzerland work part-time, the part-time employment rate at Migros for men across all age groups was 21.5% in 2012. It is therefore significantly higher than for the general Swiss labour market.

Chart Part-time employment rate

CHART - MA-Teilzeitbeschäftigungsquote

Age structure

The cooperation between generations is an important component of Migros's corporate culture. The age structure of the employees demonstrates the effectiveness of the company's family policy measures and the significance of age-appropriate personnel management.

Distribution by age groups and by gender
The development until the end of 2012 shows that there is a balanced age structure within Migros: the average age of the workforce is 39.2 years.

Chart distribution by age groups

Distribution by age groups

Chart distribution by gender

CHART - MA Verteilung nach Geschlecht

Percentage per length of service group by gender (Chart)
Both male and female employees stay loyal to Migros: some 58% of men and 55% of women have worked at Migros for more than five years.

Percentage within length of service group by gender (Chart)
Migros employs more than 30'000 women with children. The above-average proportion of women in the workforce – per years of service group (reference basis: totality of women) as well as within the years of service groups (reference basis: totality of all employees) – shows that women at Migros do not necessarily need to interrupt their career to bring up children. For this reason, women working at Migros often have more work experience, not less. These factors result in more equality in working life and prevent wage differences based on employment history.

Nationalities and nations

Migros is a Swiss company, including with regard to cultural diversity. A typical Swiss factor of success is the successful integration of a diverse range of employees with different cultural backgrounds.

Percentage of foreign workers
In 2012 Migros' workforce consisted of 72.6% Swiss nationals and 27.4% foreign nationals. This breakdown of nationalities has been more or less stable for many years. More than a third of foreign employees were born in Switzerland and belong to the second or third generation. Last year, people from 146 nations were employed at Migros. Migros sees this cultural diversity as an opportunity and therefore consciously promotes it with a tolerant and discrimination-free corporate climate.

Chart Percentage of foreign workers

CHART - MA Ausländische Mitarbeitende

Employees in companies Switzerland/other countries
Migros is a Swiss company. It sees itself as part of Swiss society and uses its resources to increase the economic value added of the country. 7.6% of all employees work at a Migros company abroad.

Chart Employees in companies Switzerland/other countries

CHART - MA Mitarbeitende Unternehmen Schweiz/Ausland