01 ––
From West Africa to Buchs – the sustainable journey of cocoa beans to Chocolat Frey
▶ Play video
02 ––
100% UTZ-certified cocoa at Chocolat Frey – just one example of how Migros leads the way
▶ Play video
03 ––
Riseria Taverne and Risoletto's rice – careful selection of suppliers and meticulous production
▶ Play video
04 ––
Risoletto comes from
the chocolate heart of
Migros Industry
▶ Play video
05 ––
Quality assurance for
food and consumer
goods – Migros' Swiss Quality Testing Services
▶ Play video
06 ––
94 276 employees from
152 countries – dedicated
to Risoletto and much more
▶ Play video
07 ––
Risoletto passes through many female fingers –
the backbone of Migros
▶ Play video
08 ––
Taking the bitter with
the sweet – one of
3500 trainees at Migros
▶ Play video
09 ––
Just like magic – why Risoletto never runs out
in more than 700 Migros stores and branches
▶ Play video
10 ––
Blind tasting session
with insiders – Risoletto
at the FMC's Assembly
of Delegates
▶ Play video
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


In 2013 the 48 personnel policy committees and delegations consisted of 360 members. As democratically elected staff representatives, 140 women and 220 men performed a key role with extensive participation rights at corporate level.

As an occupational social partner of the companies and the regional cooperatives, they represented the social and economic interests of employees in all business units at around 1300 sites.

The personnel policy committees are democratically authorised and representative. Their candidatures were supported by more than 5000 colleagues, and thousands of votes were submitted during the election. The personnel policy committees also represent the executive employees below the directorate level, who can contribute their expertise to the committees accordingly. With a share of 81.2% employees, 2.8% apprentices and 16% executive employees, Migros has a broad and balanced representation in its personnel policy committees.

Chart Functional position of the members of PEKO

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