Sustainability Management
Sustainability is part of the Migros culture and an integral component of Migros' corporate activity. Since 2019, Migros has been bundling and managing its sustainability activities within a Group-wide strategic framework.
The values responsibility and credibility are part of the Migros Group strategy. The economic, social and ecological objectives are implemented along the entire value-added chain.
The Migros Group has a clear concept of sustainability. It offers a broad range of sustainable products and services, serves as a partner for a healthy lifestyle, is a model employer, sets standards for climate protection and resource efficiency, and promotes social cohesion.
Migros Group sustainability mission statement
In 2019, the Migros Group developed its first sustainability mission statement, which applies to all companies. It combines a sustainability vision and mission, Group-wide profiling topics and the Migros Group requirements for sustainability (formerly "basic requirements") all in one.
The mission statement embeds the sustainability strategies of the business units and the individual sustainability targets of the companies in a Group-wide, overarching framework. It follows the vision "We make life more sustainable" and focuses on a sustainable product range, climate protection, closed-loop recycling and promoting social cohesion.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN in 2015 comprise 17 goals as a framework for global sustainable development. The Migros Group makes an important contribution to implementing these global sustainability goals along the entire value-added chain.
In 2019, the Migros Group analysed its positive and negative effects on global development. The UN's sustainability goals were incorporated into the development of the Migros Group's sustainability mission statement. Detailed information about the Migros Group's contribution to the SDGs can be found here.
Regular progress checks
The Migros Group is again the world's most sustainable retailer.
In order to manage the achievement of targets, Migros uses KPIs to measure its progress in the area of sustainability. As part of regular monitoring, the degree to which the Migros Group requirements are implemented and individual goals met in the strategic business units is checked centrally by the Federation of Migros Cooperatives (FMC). The progress (including status indicators) is reported to internal decision makers and, to some extent, made public.
In 2019, the independent ratings agency ISS-oekom analysed the social and environmental commitment of the Migros Group in detail. Of 243 retail companies assessed worldwide, the Migros Group achieved the best result throughout the industry. This again made it the world's most sustainable retailer in the reporting year.