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Reporting Academy

Talent Management

Migros supports the ongoing development of its employees. Individual target agreements and development plans are created in dialogue with them.

With blended learning and digital courses, Migros encourages autonomous learning among its employees.

To develop Migros as a learning organisation, the project “Neue Lernwelt” was expanded in 2022. With blended learning and digital courses, Migros encourages autonomous learning among its employees. It enables staff of all departments in all Migros companies to learn from any location in their own time and at their own pace. Migros thereby improves the employability, commitment and career prospects of its employees.

A group-wide talent management programme enables the performance and skills of employees to be systematically assessed and developed, and also facilitates succession planning. In addition, talent conferences increase the mobility of high-potential employees within the Migros Group.

Vocational training

Trainees by strategic business units
1 Coop. Retailing: 2’510
2 Commerce: 172
3 Migros Industrie: 501
4 Financial Services: 66
5 Travel: 66
6 Others: 439
60 different professions

Migros’ commitment to training and education within society is second to none. A total of 3’754 young people completed their basic training in more than 60 different professions in the Migros Group and thereby played an active part in shaping the future of the company.

96 % of trainees successfully completed their apprenticeship in summer 2022. The average rate of subsequent employment stood at 63 % in the reporting year. 1’430 motivated trainees started an apprenticeship.

The range of services to support social inclusion was expanded with an apprenticeship preparation year. A total of 40 places were made available. In addition, various Migros companies throughout Switzerland helped 150 youngsters with difficult requirements to enter the job market.

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