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Reporting Academy

Diversity & Inclusion

The diversity and different experiences, views and skills of the workforce are essential to ensuring that Migros remains a successful and innovative company.

In 2022, Migros employed people from around 170 countries, of which 59 % were women and 41 % men; 49 % of employees worked part time and 28 % were above the age of 50.

The Migros Group actively promotes equal opportunities and diversity. Work-life balance and flexible working at all levels are central elements. This is also reflected in the new National Collective Labour Agreement (N-CLA) negotiated with internal and external social partners for 2023 to 2026. Among other changes, it provides for an increase in paternity leave to four weeks.

Work-life balance and flexible working at all levels are central elements in ensuring equal opportunities.

In 2022, the proportion of women was 17 % at director level and 31 % at executive level. The target of increasing the percentage of women in managerial posts to 45 % by 2025 has been incorporated in the sustainability mission statement of the Migros Group.

To promote equal opportunities, the Migros Group supports various communities, provides training to raise awareness and uses inclusive language.

Key figures Diversity & Inclusion


Proportion of women at director level

Proportion of women at executive level

Proportion of female part-time employees

Proportion of male part-time employees











30.0 %

30.6 %

14.8 %

17.4 %

67.1 %

66.9 %

24.3 %

24.5 %

Cooperative Retailing

30.0 %

30.5 %

18.9 %

21.8 %

68.6 %

68.2 %

28.7 %

28.1 %


30.1 %

29.1 %

6.1 %

7.1 %

68.6 %

67.4 %

33.1 %

29.4 %

Migros Industry

23.3 %

24.1 %

17.0 %

26.2 %

41.7 %

40.1 %

5.6 %

6.1 %

Financial Services

30.0 %

31.7 %

9.6 %

11.8 %

52.4 %

55.5 %

16.7 %

18.7 %


52.8 %

52.8 %

24.8 %

24.5 %

45.2 %

44.6 %

15.2 %

17.1 %






94.8 %

91.3 %

79.5 %

78.3 %

Durchschnitt Kalenderjahr der monatlich erhobenen Zahlen.

1 Grundgesamtheit für Frauenanteil im Kader und Direktion sind 2021 93 % (N = 79’574) und 2022 91 % (N = 78’283) der Mitarbeitenden in der Schweiz. Das Geschäftsfeld «Übrige» wird ab 2023 ausgewiesen.

2 Grundgesamtheit für Teilzeitanteil Frauen und Männer sind 2021 91 % (N = 78’231) und 2022 93 % (N = 80’163) der Mitarbeitenden in der Schweiz.

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