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Migros Annual Report 2021

About this report

As a large group of companies and service providers, Migros is in constant contact with people and its environment in various ways.

In addition to Migros’ economic performance and its asset, financial and earnings position, this report also highlights its roots in the natural and built environment and its interactions with society and various stakeholders. Migros has a clear concept of value creation and manages the company accordingly.

Financial reporting

The present Migros Group financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the provisions of the law and the accounting and reporting recommendations of the Foundation for accounting and reporting recommendations (Swiss GAAP FER). In order to provide readers of the financial statements with as much transparency as possible, the Migros Group has decided to impose more stringent accounting and disclosure requirements in many areas than those required by Swiss GAAP FER. Accordingly, Swiss GAAP FER forms the basis for financial reporting which is as transparent, clear and reader-oriented as possible.

The main accounting principles can be found in the PDF Migros Group Financial Report. The financial report of the Migros Group is available in English, German and French. The German version takes precedence.


The information about governance describes the overall organisational and contextual structuring of the management and supervision of Migros, a cooperative structure. The Federation of Migros Cooperatives is committed to responsible, purposeful and modern governance. It therefore voluntarily adheres to the provisions of economiesuisse's Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance, to the Corporate Governance Directive of the SIX Swiss Exchange (DCG) and, where appropriate, to the federal ordinance against excessive pay (VegüV). Any deviations from these provisions are referred to in the report.

Sustainability reporting
Since the 2020 reporting year, sustainability reporting has been an integral component of the regular sustainability communications on the corporate website. In addition to continuous reporting on the main sustainability efforts in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), relevant key figures are also published on the website each year. By realigning its sustainability reporting, the Migros Group has responded to the wish of its stakeholders for the continuous and transparent communication of progress. Selected highlights from the reporting year are summarised in this annual report.

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