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Reporting Academy

Remuneration Report

Migros has a clearly defined remuneration policy. The remuneration of Migros’ management is based on predetermined salary bands. The Board of Directors of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives issues guidelines for the remuneration of the other organs.

The salary bands define minimum and maximum salaries for the various management levels. They are regularly reviewed and adjusted by the Board of Directors of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives (FMC) and must be approved by the G. and A. Duttweiler Foundation. Mitreva AG verifies that the salary bands are adhered to; the Chair of the Board of Directors is informed of the results in writing.

Migros’ remuneration model is clear and simple. Salaries are based consistently on rates of pay in the market, and the rationale of social capital is taken into account when fixing them. Workplace quality is a conscious component of responsible management. The benchmark working conditions, such as regulations for annual leave and employee training entitlements, are published on the Migros employment webpage.

The bonus-free remuneration and salary system is one of Migros’ core values and is integral to the company’s long-term development.

For the remuneration of the Migros organs, the Board of Directors issues FMC guidelines that are regularly reviewed and adjusted. These also apply to the external members of the boards of directors of FMC subsidiary companies. Internal members do not receive any form of remuneration for such mandates. The remuneration of the Board of Directors is approved by the G. and A. Duttweiler Foundation.

The bonus-free remuneration and salary system is one of Migros’ core values and is integral to the company’s long-term development. The members of the Board of Directors and Executive Board do not receive any bonuses or profit-sharing for their duties at Migros. They are also not entitled to any contractually regulated severance pay.

Fees paid to members of the Board of Directors

Members of the FMC Board of Directors (including the Chairwoman) received a total of CHF 1’254’137 in fees in 2022 (2021: CHF 1’238’675), including all attendance fees for committee meetings and conferences. No other forms of remuneration are paid, in particular no expenses. The Chief Executive Officer and the managing directors of the regional Cooperatives did not receive any form of remuneration in their role as members of the FMC Board of Directors.

The detailed disclosure of the remuneration paid to members of the Board of Directors is shown below:


Total remuneration 6




Ursula Nold Chairwoman since 2019, elected until 2024 Remuneration and Nominations Committee 1 2



Dominique Biedermann Since 2012, elected until 2024 Audit Committee



Jean-René Germanier Since 2008, elected until 2024 Remuneration and Nominations Committee



Paola Ghillani Since 2008, elected until 2024 Audit Committee, ADH (strategic issues)



Marianne Janik Since 2020, elected until 2024 Remuneration and Nominations Committee



Martin Künzi Since 2020, elected until 2024 Finance Committee



Cornelia Ritz Bossicard Since 2020, elected until 2024 Audit Committee 2 7



Christoph Tonini Since 2020, elected until 2024 Finance Committee



Hubert Weber Since 2020, elected until 2024 Finance Committee, ADH (strategic issues)



Hans A. Wüthrich Since 2012, elected until 2024 Audit Committee 3



Patrick Avanthay 4 Since 2009, elected until 2024



Séghira Egli 4 Since 2020, elected until 2024






1 The Chairwoman of the Board of Directors does not receive an attendance fee. The total remuneration includes expenses.

2 Minus contributions to the occupational pension scheme (employer and employee contributions).

3 The Deputy Chair receives a fixed fee of CHF 17’350. The total compensation includes extraordinary expenses due to the role as Chair of the Audit Committee.

4 The employee representatives receive a fixed fee of CHF 1’150 per meeting/conference.

5 Committee meetings are paid as follows: Full-day meeting: CHF 2’900 Half-day meeting: CHF 1’750 Meeting before/after meetings of the Board of Directors: CHF 575 Allowance for the chair of the committee: fixed annual fee of CHF 12’600

6 The total compensation for external members includes annual flat-rate compensation of CHF 63’000 and attendance fees (see footnote 5), plus accommodation and meals in own seminar centre during meetings of the Board of Directors. No expenses are reimbursed. Plus statutory contributions to social insurance.

7 Plus remuneration for the seat on the board of Mitreva AG, amounting to CHF 16’500 per year.

Salaries of the Executive Board

The seven members of the FMC Executive Board (including the CEO) received a total of CHF 5.427 million in 2022 (2021: CHF 5.513 million). The highest single salary paid (Fabrice Zumbrunnen, Chief Executive Officer) was CHF 929’200 (2021: CHF 920’000). The ratio of the highest individual salary to the average gross annual salary of all Migros Group employees was 1:15 in the reporting year, the same as in the previous year. Two thirds of pension fund contributions are paid by the employer and one third by the employee.

Members of the Executive Board are provided with a company car. An expenses allowance is included in the salaries above. The members of the Executive Board are not entitled to any contractually regulated severance pay, and no variable remuneration is paid. The seven members of the Executive Board do not receive any form of remuneration for business-related seats on management boards, supervisory boards or foundation boards. The remuneration for any approved mandates outside the Migros Group is paid to the employer.

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