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Reporting Academy

Health & safety

Migros offers its employees continuous support in the areas of health and safety in order to improve their wellbeing, commitment and performance.

Migros aligns its activities with the following strategic priorities: occupational health and safety, physical and mental health, and employability.

By implementing a systematic health system – the group-wide solution (GWS) M-Group – Migros protects its employees against accidents in the workplace, occupational diseases and work-related diseases. All aspects of occupational health and safety are covered and implemented by the GWS specialist unit.

The Migros Group defines mandatory safety standards based on regulatory requirements and the companies’ needs. It is externally audited and recertified every five years by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO on behalf of the Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety.

In addition, the Migros Group companies undergo regular internal assessments to ensure compliance with legal and company requirements. These efforts are reflected in a relatively low rate of 0.26 % for absenteeism due to occupational accidents (55 accidents per 1’000 personnel units).

Thirteen Migros companies have been awarded the Friendly Work Space quality label for their efforts in the area of occupational health management (OHM).

Above-average commitment

Migros also takes measures above and beyond the statutory health and safety requirements to ensure a safe working environment and healthy employees. Thirteen Migros companies have been awarded the Friendly Work Space quality label by the Swiss Health Promotion Foundation for their efforts in the area of occupational health management (OHM). Under the label well@Migros, all Migros Industrie companies have committed to doing as much as possible to ensure the health and wellbeing of their employees.

In the reporting year, Migros launched various services and initiatives in the area of mental health and for employees over the age of 50. It is thus helping to reduce healthcare costs and alleviate the shortage of labour and skilled workers.

In the reporting year, the average rate of absenteeism due to illness stood at 4.7 % (previous year: 5.2 %), and the rate for non-occupational accidents was 0.56 % (127 accidents per 1’000 personnel units).

Key figures Absenteeism


Rates of ilness absenteeism






4.6 %

5.2 %

4.7 %

Cooperative Retailing

4.7 %

5.3 %

4.7 %


5.2 %

6.4 %

6.0 %

Migros Industrie

4.6 %

5.0 %

4.6 %

Financial Services

2.9 %

3.2 %

2.9 %


1.6 %

2.4 %

2.7 %


2.6 %

3.8 %

3.6 %

Average of monthly figures for calendar year. The base population is 88 % (N = 75’433) of all employees in Switzerland for 2021, 90 % (N = 77’624) for 2022 and 91 % (N = 79’268) for 2023.


Number of accidents per 1’000 personnel units 1

Rates of accident-related absenteeism 2








Occupational accidents 3




0.29 %

0.25 %

0.26 %

Non-occupational accidents




0.55 %

0.55 %

0.56 %

1 The base population is 91 % (N = 56’768) of all full-time equivalents in Switzerland for 2021, 86 % (N = 53,984) for 2022 and 87 % (N = 55’905) for 2023.

2 The base population is 78 % (N = 66’728) of all employees in Switzerland for 2021, 81 % (N = 69’631) for 2022 and 86 % (N = 74’748) for 2023.

3 Occupational accidents now also includes work-related illness (2021 – 2023)