Migros is passionately committed to improving the quality of life of its customers. It sees itself as a partner for a balanced lifestyle, offering high-quality products, many of which are produced under sustainable conditions, including for special dietary requirements.
From chocolate and fish, through to electrical devices, textiles and natural cosmetics: Cooperative Retailing sells many products that offer social or ecological added value. Migros also offers a wide range of products for people with special dietary and health requirements. These include products for vegans or people with food intolerances. Migros helps its customers to lead an active, enjoyable and healthy lifestyle, such as by promoting alternative modes of transport that are good for the environment and general fitness.
Products with added environmental or social value
Migros offers a wide range of products that have been organically cultivated and fairly traded, that conserve natural resources and guarantee a high standard of animal welfare.
Although demand for such products is already quite high, Migros is continuously expanding its range and aiming to get even more categories of consumers interested in sustainably produced products. With the Cumulus-Green service, launched in 2014, those taking part in Migros' Cumulus bonus programme can regularly check what proportion of products in their shopping basket carry a sustainable label. In 2015, the Cumulus-Green share was 18.3%, up 1.2% on the previous year.
In 2015, the total sales of all products that carry a sustainable or health label or originate from regional production rose by 7.3% to CHF 3.6 billion. They make up around 26% of the total sales of Cooperative Retailing (excluding tegut…).
Total sales of sustainable, regional and health labels

Sales of each sustainable, health and regional label in CHF million 1 |
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | Change from previous year in % | Proportion of total sales 2015 2 |
Sustainable labels | 1'715.1 | 2'013.8 | 2'202.1 | 2'470.8 | 2'678.4 | 8.4 | 19.4% |
Health labels | 37.1 | 39.1 | 50.3 | 58.3 | 70.9 | 21.5 | 0.5% |
Regional labels | 782.1 | 790.9 | 827.0 | 870.7 | 898.6 | 3.2 | 6.5% |
Total sales of labels | 2'534.4 | 2'843.9 | 3'079.3 | 3'399.8 | 3'647.9 | 7.3 | 26.5% |
1 Products with two labels (e.g. Bio and Fairtrade Max Havelaar) were counted twice when collecting the data.
2 Total sales of Cooperative Retailing (excluding tegut...)
Sales of individual labels

Sales of the individual labels 2015 in CHF million |
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | Change from previous year in % |
Aus der Region. Für die Region (AdR) | 782.1 | 790.9 | 827.0 | 870.7 | 898.6 | 3.2 |
TerraSuisse | 644.2 | 658.6 | 663.2 | 670.3 | 713.6 | 6.5 |
Organic (food) 1 | 434.7 | 473.9 | 516.8 | 593.1 | 681.1 | 14.8 |
UTZ certified | - | 201.9 | 321.5 | 473.1 | 509.4 | 7.7 |
FSC | 168.6 | 201.0 | 196.5 | 216.2 | 243.2 | 12.5 |
Eco | 247.8 | 226.5 | 222.2 | 210.8 | 195.9 | -7.1 |
MSC/ASC | 58.0 | 65.5 | 76.5 | 92.7 | 135.6 | 46.3 |
Fairtrade Max Havelaar | 80.9 | 84.4 | 98.8 | 105.6 | 113.8 | 7.7 |
Aha! | 37.1 | 39.1 | 50.3 | 58.3 | 70.9 | 21.5 |
Bio Cotton | 30.3 | 32.9 | 43.9 | 50.5 | 54.2 | 7.2 |
Topten | 49.6 | 67.4 | 60.5 | 55.6 | 27.9 | -49.7 |
Bio Garden | 1.0 | 1.9 | 2.1 | 2.9 | 3.8 | 31.0 |
Total | 2‘534.4 | 2'843.9 | 3'079.3 | 3‘399.8 | 3‘647.9 | 7.3 |
1 Includes the Migros Bio label and third-party organic brands (e.g. Alnatura, Hipp and Yogi Tea).
In 2015, food carrying an organic label accounted for sales of CHF 681.1 million (2014: CHF 593 million). This represents an increase of 14.8% over the previous year. Migros continued to expand its organic range, especially with products under the Migros Bio label and the Alnatura brand.
At the end of 2015, 325 branches throughout Switzerland stocked up to 300 Alnatura products. The Ticino and Western Switzerland Cooperatives have also been selling Alnatura products in selected branches since the reporting year. In its Zurich Cooperative, Migros tested an expanded range of 400 additional Alnatura products. Alnatura supplements the existing organic range with innovative, vegetarian and vegan food. The organic food range includes close to 1'800 products in total.
In 2015, Migros again expanded its range of textiles carrying the Migros Bio Cotton label. Sales amounted to CHF 54.2 million, up by more than 7.2% in comparison to 2014 (CHF 51 million). In 2011, organic cotton made up just 7% of the clothing range. By the end of 2015, this figure had risen to 18.1%. Migros therefore met its promise of doubling the range of sustainable cotton textiles by 2015. The Migros Bio Cotton label protects the environment – from cultivation of the cotton through to the finished product – and ensures traceability along the entire value chain. This is verified by independent inspections.
Sales of products carrying the Migros Bio Garden label amounted to CHF 3.8 million in the reporting year, representing an increase of 31% (2014: CHF 2.9 million), Migros is aiming to double its sales of organic fertilisers, soil and pesticides between 2013 and 2020. This was announced in 2015 in a new promise regarding environmentally friendly gardening.
The Migros label TerraSuisse denotes products that originate from sustainable Swiss agriculture. The farmers make an active commitment to near-natural and animal-friendly Swiss agriculture.
With sales of CHF 713.6 million, TerraSuisse is Migros' biggest selling sustainable label. In comparison to the previous year (2014: CHF 670 million), sales rose by 6.5%.
With the labels MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) and ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council), Migros procures products from sustainable fishing and responsible aquaculture.
Sales amounted to CHF 135.6 million in 2015 (2014: CHF 93 million), representing an increase of 46.3%. This was due among other things to the reintroduction of MSC wild Alaska salmon and the expansion of the range of MSC- and ASC-certified products. At the end of 2015, 99% of fish and seafood sold by Migros originated from sustainable sources. This means that the products carried the MSC, ASC or Migros Bio label or were categorised as recommended or acceptable by WWF. Since 2014, all fish available at Migros fresh-food counters has originated from sustainable sources. Migros has set itself the target of procuring its entire fish range from sustainable sources by the end of 2020.
The label FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) denotes products from responsible forestry. In 2015, sales of FSC products amounted to CHF 243.2 million, representing an increase of 12.5% on the previous year (2014: CHF 216 million).
At the end of 2015, 79.4% of all wood and paper products originated from sustainable sources (FSC or recycled). Migros thereby met its promise of ensuring that three quarters of wood and paper products would comply with sustainability guidelines by 2015.
Migros is also aiming to increase the proportion of FSC products. A proportion of 30.2% was reached in the Commerce Department in 2015.
With Fairtrade Max Havelaar products, Migros makes a commitment to fair trade and supports small-scale farmers and workers in developing and emerging countries. Migros achieved sales of CHF 113.8 million with the Fairtrade Max Havelaar range in 2015. This represents an increase of 7.7% on the previous year (2014: CHF 106 million),
Although sales were very encouraging, Migros did not manage to expand the Fairtrade Max Havelaar range by 75%.
The product range was expanded by 26% compared to 2011. At the end of 2015, Migros offered a total of 175 products certified with the Fairtrade Max Havelaar label. Sales of Fairtrade Max Havelaar products increased by about 40% between 2011 and 2015.
For coffee, tea and cocoa – and since 2015 hazelnuts too – Migros applies the UTZ programme, which enables farmers to improve their harvests and boost their income while protecting the environment.
The entire basic range of Migros own-brand coffee, all chocolate under the Frey brand, as well as the rooibos, green and black tea sold under the Tea Time own brand, are UTZ-certified. Biscuits, ice creams and dairy products are also gradually being switched to UTZ. In 2015, sales of UTZ-certified products amounted to CHF 509.4 million, representing an increase of 7.7% on the previous year (2014: CHF 473 million),
With the Eco label, Migros developed its own sophisticated standard for textiles in 1996, based on a holistic approach to product and production ecology, which must be environmentally friendly, socially responsible and traceable.
In 2015, 7.7% of Migros own brand clothing was produced in accordance with the strict Eco guidelines. Sales of products carrying the Eco label in Cooperative Retailing amounted to CHF 195.9 million in 2015. This represents a decrease of 7.1%, due to a general decline in textile sales.
The Topten label helps consumers to find electrical products that use little electricity, have a small environmental footprint and offer good value for money. Sales were down by 49.7% in 2015 compared with the previous year and amounted to CHF 27.9 million.
At the end of 2015, sales of especially energy efficient Topten appliances made up nearly 20% of the total revenue from electrical appliances. Migros thereby did not achieve its goal of increasing the share of energy efficient Topten products to 35%. This is because television sets account for almost half of Migros' sales. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace. Neither the models featuring 4K technology nor the brand-new OLED televisions meet the Topten energy efficiency criteria. As a result, it has not been possible to increase the proportion of Topten sales with TVs. On the other hand, sales of LED lighting rose by 75% to CHF 6.9. In 2014, Migros reduced its range of energy-saving bulbs and has since been focusing consistently on LED lights, which are even more energy-efficient and do not contain mercury.
Range for special dietary requirements
Migros offers numerous products that meet special dietary and health requirements. The aha! label denotes products that are particularly suitable for people with allergies or intolerances.
Its range currently includes 120 food and cosmetic products that carry the aha! label, with more being added continuously. Migros is aiming to expand its range for allergy sufferers by 30% between 2013 and the end of 2016. To achieve this goal, it is also developing aha! products itself. The JOWA site in Huttwil (BE) is concerned exclusively with the development and production of gluten- and lactose-free bread, pastry goods and pasta.
Since the end of 2015, aha!-certified products have also been available in close to 50 selected Migros restaurants and take-aways. Customers can choose from gluten- and lactose-free menus, sandwiches, bread, cake, muesli, salad dressings, as well as lactose-free milk and coffee cream. The Migros aha! range is regularly tested by the independent certification body Service Allergie Suisse (SAS).
More choice for a meat-free diet
More and more people are opting for a meat-free or purely plant-based diet. To offer them some guidance, Migros marks processed food for vegans and vegetarians with the European vegetarianism label (V-Label).
The V-Label denotes products that are suitable for a vegetarian or vegan (purely plant-based) diet. At the end of 2015, a total of 223 processed products were certified under the V-Label. An Anna's Best veggie range was also introduced
in the reporting year, and selected Migros restaurants expanded their vegetarian range as part of a pilot project. The aim is to extend the vegetarian concept to all Migros restaurants and take-aways this year. To ensure the dishes are of the highest quality, the managers, chefs and staff of the food establishments are trained in vegetarian cuisine.
Partner for a healthy lifestyle
Migros helps its customers to lead an active, enjoyable and healthy lifestyle. The website provides customers with a wealth of information about nutrition and exercise, as well as teaching children more about topics such as environmental protection and diet in a fun way. Migros also promotes electric and human-powered transport.
Advice and information
The nutrition department provides advice on dietary issues relating to Migros products. Most of the enquiries received by the department concern food allergies and intolerances, followed by questions about ingredients and nutritional values as well as hygiene and shelf life. Dialogue with customers is important to Migros. The feedback and concerns are used as the basis for planning new products and services.
The Migros website already offers customers a week planner, a seasonality table, a BMI calculator, a calorie requirements test and tips on healthy cooking. Customers can also take a nutrition quiz, the results of which provide tips and ideas for an even more balanced diet. Since 2015, Migros has also been offering a calorie consumption calculator for various types of sport.
To motivate consumers to use all the food they purchase and throw away as little as possible, Migros published the brochure "Mehr vom Essen" in the reporting year. It offers recipes, tips and tricks for making use of all food that is purchased.
For tomorrow's generation
In 2015, the Migros cookery book Green Gourmet Family won the Gourmand Cookbook Gold Award in the Best Food & Family Cookbook category.
To help children appreciate the value of food at an early age and improve their food skills, Migros has launched the Lilibiggs Kinderbacken initiative for 6- to 12-year-olds. The events have been offered throughout large parts of Switzerland since 2015. The children practise baking under supervision and learn how much time and skill is involved.
At home, children can prepare recipes from the "Migros Green Gourmet Family" cookbook, which won the 2015 Gourmand Cookbook Gold Award in the Best Food & Family Cookbook category. The family cookbook was developed and published in collaboration with WWF and the Saisonküche magazine. The latest Pandamobil exhibition, "Mit dem Wolf unterwegs" (On tour with wolves), shows that sustainability is about more than just seasonal recipes. Since 1978, a converted Migros van has been visiting schools throughout Switzerland to raise awareness of environmental issues among children. Migros, with the help of WWF, has reached 239'140 children and young people in the past four years and thereby met its promise.
Sustainable mobility
Migros is promoting electric and human-powered transport as an alternative to cars. This not only benefits the environment, but exercising outdoors is also good for general fitness. Migros is therefore looking to exploit new potential and establish models for shared mobility.
For example, the Mobility Academy launched the Swiss cargo-bike initiative in 2015 together with the Engagement Migros development fund. It promotes the use of cargo bikes and offers a way to test, rent or share them. The development fund also supported the mobility congress wocomoco, which promotes future-friendly and sustainable forms of mobility.
M-way remains the market leader in the electric bicycle market. The Migros subsidiary is raising the popularity of e-bikes, e-rollers and e-motorcycles in Switzerland. At the end of 2015, it had more than 29 locations. In 2014, m-way and its partners initiated the eMOTION pilot project in Zurich, which enables individuals and businesses to rent out their own electric vehicles. In the car-sharing market, Migros is represented by sharoo. The platform allows private car owners to rent out their vehicles to people who do not have a car.
Promotion of sustainable consumption
Sales of natural cosmetics increased
Migros doubled its sales of natural cosmetics between 2011 and 2015. However, it has not yet managed to achieve its target of doubling the range of products. At the end of 2015, 68 natural cosmetic products could be found on Migros shelves.
Sustainable events
The Sustainable Events initiative aims to make Migros-supported projects even more sustainable. On the website, organisers can enter figures for waste, procurement or transport and compare events. Migros also offers support with specific measures such as waste separation systems and best-practice examples.
My way: the fresh take-away
The food service concept my way, introduced by the Migros Cooperative Aare in 2015, caters to individual culinary requirements, offering locally made, fresh and seasonal products. Customers can choose how they want their dishes to be prepared. Their personalised my way order can also be sent to their home or office.
Sustainability fund performing well
In 2009, Migros Bank launched a sustainability fund which invests exclusively in environmentally friendly and socially sustainable projects. In 2015, the number of fund shares in circulation increased by 36% compared with the previous year.