Organisation & Structure
The Federation of Migros Cooperatives is a cooperative association as defined by articles 921 et seqq. of the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR). The FMC, the affiliated regional Migros Cooperatives and their business enterprises, together with the foundations, all make up the Migros Community – or simply Migros.
Legal form and mission
The FMC coordinates the activities of Migros and determines its strategy. It is also a Migros service provider. The FMC is responsible for covering the needs of the regional Cooperatives through a system of combined purchasing and production, as well as by establishing or acquiring participatory interests and subsidiary companies of all kinds.
The organs of the FMC are the Assembly of Delegates, the Board of Directors, the Executive Board and the Board of Control.
Cooperative capital and liability
The cooperative capital of the FMC totals CHF 15 million (Migros Group Financial Report, consolidated group, p.140). The shares have a nominal value of CHF 1'000, pay interest of 4% and are not transferable. They are distributed among the regional Cooperatives as follows (as % of cooperative capital):
Distribution of the Cooperative Capital

Regional cooperative | Proportion |
Migros Cooperative Zurich (MCZ) | 32.2% |
Migros Cooperative Aare (MCAA) | 19.7% |
Migros Cooperative Eastern Switzerland (MCOS) | 11.4% |
Migros Cooperative Basel (MCBS) | 10.0% |
Migros Cooperative Geneva (MCGE) | 7.1% |
Migros Cooperative Vaud (MCVD) | 4.8% |
Migros Cooperative Lucerne (MCLU) | 4.6% |
Migros Cooperative Neuchatel-Fribourg (MCNE-FR) | 4.3% |
Migros Cooperative Ticino (MCTI) | 3.8% |
Migros Cooperative Valais (MCVS) | 1.7% |
In accordance with the statutes, the shares that are not participation certificates are underwritten on the basis of the annual retail sales. The number of shares acquired by the Cooperatives is based on the conditions in 1957. As it was no longer necessary to issue new shares to finance the FMC, and because the voting rights are exercised independently of the share distribution, the Board of Directors decided not to change anything and has retained the original distribution from 1957.
Liability for the obligations of the FMC is limited to its assets.
Statutes and regulations
The organisation of the FMC is set out in the company statutes (version of 26 March 2011) and substantially in the updated organisational rules of the Assembly of Delegates (version of 07 November 2015) as well as in the organisational rules of the Board of Directors (version of 29 March 2014). The reciprocal rights and duties between the FMC and the regional Cooperatives are set out in ten (identical) agreements between the FMC and the Cooperatives (version of June 1984, as amended).
Migros Aare
Migros Aare
closeChairman of the Board of Directors
Max MeyerManaging Director
Beat ZahndEmployees
11'537 (-1.60%)Cooperative members
501'977 (0.18%)Sales
CHF 3'325.6 million (-0.9%) -
Migros Basel
Migros Basel
closeChairman of the Board of Directors
Rudolf Grüninger (until 31.12.)Managing Director
Stefano PatrignianiEmployees
3'431 (1.09%)Cooperative members
168'465 (-0.20%)Sales
CHF 933.6 million (-1.7%) -
Migros Geneva
Migros Geneva
closeChairman of the Board of Directors
Guy VibourelManaging Director
Philippe EchenardEmployees
3'555 (-1.85%)Cooperative members
129'688 (0.44%)Sales
CHF 992.0 million. (-4.1%) -
Migros Lucerne
Migros Lucerne
closeChairman of the Board of Directors
Anton WechslerManaging Director
Felix MeyerEmployees
6'107 (1.29%)Cooperative members
185'966 (1.24%)Sales
CHF 1'405.3 million (-0.1%) -
Migros Neuchâtel-Fribourg
Migros Neuchâtel-Fribourg
closeChairperson of the Board of Directors
Damien PillerManaging Director
Marcelle JunodEmployees
2'628 (1.23%)Cooperative members
121'721 (0.05%)Sales
CHF 762.9 million (-0.9%) -
Migros Eastern Switzerland
Migros Eastern Switzerland
closeChairman of the Board of Directors
Leo StaubManaging Director
Peter DiethelmEmployees
9'490 (1.80%)Cooperative members
410'182 (1.09%)Sales
CHF 2'376.5 million (-1.5%) -
Migros Ticino
Migros Ticino
closeChairperson of the Board of Directors
Monica Duca WidmerManaging Director
Lorenzo EmmaEmployees
1'643 (-4.81%)Cooperative members
93'910 (0.98%)Sales
CHF 487.0 million (-4.9%) -
Migros Valais
Migros Valais
closeChairman of the Board of Directors
Bernhard MonnetManaging Director
Max AlterEmployees
2'098 (0.38%)Cooperative members
78'755 (0.15%)Sales
CHF 513.1 million (-0.4%) -
Migros Vaud
Migros Vaud
closeChairman of the Board of Directors
Patrice LambeletManaging Director
Marc SchaeferEmployees
3'583 (-4.15%)Cooperative members
152'731 (-0.08%)Sales
CHF 1'136.2 million (-3.3%) -
Migros Zurich
Migros Zurich
closeChairman of the Board of Directors
Edi ClassManaging Director
Jörg BlunschiEmployees
8'929 (2.05%)Cooperative members
322'750 (0.63%)Sales
CHF 2'508.4 million (1.5%)