Assembly of Delegates
In the year under review, the Assembly of Delegates met twice. In addition to its normal business, various specialist presentations and discussions were on the agenda.
At its ordinary meeting in spring, the Assembly of Delegates of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives dealt with its statutory business. In addition to approving the annual financial statements and annual report, it decided on how to appropriate the profit for the year and ratified the actions of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors. The Assembly of Delegates also agreed to temporarily expand the Office of the Assembly of Delegates by two members until 30 June 2016.
At the autumn meeting, it approved the organisational rules that the Office of the Assembly of Delegates prepared for it, as well as a change to the statutes concerning the introduction of a limited term of office for the President of the Assembly of Delegates. As at the spring meeting, the Executive Board answered questions about Migros from the delegates under the agenda item "Migros in Dialogue".
Composition & electoral procedure
In accordance with the statutes, the Assembly of Delegates comprises a total of 111 members. One hundred delegates are elected by the regional Cooperatives on the basis of a prescribed quota. Each Cooperative is allocated at least five seats, and the remaining seats are distributed based on the number of members in the past two calendar years prior to the election. In addition, each Cooperative designates an ad-hoc representative from its Board of Directors for each assembly meeting. The committee is led by an external, independent chair.
The number of delegate votes for each Cooperative is distributed as follows (elected delegates per Cooperative):

Regional cooperative | Elected delegates |
Migros Cooperative Aare (MCAA) | 16 |
Migros Cooperative Eastern Switzerland (MCOS) | 15 |
Migros Cooperative Zurich (MCZ) | 12 |
Migros Cooperative Basel (MCBS) | 9 |
Migros Cooperative Lucerne (MCLU) | 9 |
Migros Cooperative Vaud (MCVD) | 9 |
Migros Cooperative Neuchatel-Fribourg (MCNE-FR) | 8 |
Migros Cooperative Geneva (MCGE) | 8 |
Migros Cooperative Ticino (MCTI) | 7 |
Migros Cooperative Valais (MCVS) | 7 |
Working methods and powers
The Assembly of Delegates has an Office (Office of the Assembly of Delegates) and also operates the permanent Aid Fund and Board of Directors' Annual Report working groups, whose duties and organisation are regulated in the organisational rules of the Assembly of Delegates and in mandates. There is also a facility for setting up ad-hoc working groups for temporary assignments.
The principal powers of the Assembly of Delegates include defining and amending the statutes, electing and dismissing members of the Board of Directors, passing resolutions on defining and amending Migros' basic business policy, taking the decision to dissolve the FMC, approving the annual report and financial statements of the FMC, deciding on the appropriation of the profit for the year, ratifying the actions of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board, and selecting and appointing the Board of Control.