Value Added Statement
The statement of value added of Migros Group in the Retail and Industry sector shows the added value created for the society by the group.
The aim of the group is to create a sustainable value added by striving for a future-oriented management of available resources that will safeguard the future of the business, secure jobs and guarantee public-sector contributions.

Retail and industry sector 1 | ||
Allocation in CHF million |
2015 | 2014 |
Allocation | ||
to employees | 5'437.8 | 5'287.2 |
for culture / social (Culture Percentage) | 120.2 | 122.3 |
to lenders | 63.1 | 64.6 |
to public sector | 961.9 | 1'069.4 |
taxes | 97.9 | 202.9 |
value-added taxes | 185.0 | 184.7 |
Customs / fees / taxes | 679.0 | 681.8 |
to the company (self-financing) | 592.1 | 630.9 |
Net value added | 7'175.2 | 7'174.4 |
1 Unaudited; before consolidation of transactions between the two sectors.
Personnel costs account for the lion's share of value added, at 75.8 %. They increased by 2.8 % in comparison to the previous year, on the one hand due to the change in the scope of consolidation in particular the additions of Digitec Galaxus AG, santémed Gesundheitszentren AG and the Lüchinger + Schmid Group) and, on the other hand, to the wage increase of 0.7 % to 1.2 % in Migros Group. The Retail & Industry sector has 98'871 employees (previous year 95'930).
Contributions to Migros Culture Percentage, a voluntary commitment by Migros in the areas of culture, society, education, leisure and business, amounted to 1.7 % of the value added, as in previous years. This helped make cultural and social benefits accessible to the population.
Lenders received 0.9 % in the form of interest during the reporting year. The Group's unchanged sound financial situation coupled with the sustained low level of interest rates mean that this figure remains consistent with that of the previous year. The public sector received 13.4 % (previous year 14.9 %) in taxes, customs duties and fees. As a result of special items (including deferred taxes applied upon the restructuring of a group company) as well as a decline in earnings, the public sector accrued less income tax.
The Group secures its continuation as a going concern and guarantees innovation by consistently aligning the value chain to dynamic market trends. Maintaining an adequate profit serves both to achieve this goal and to secure jobs and pass on goods and services to customers on fair terms and conditions.