For questions, please contact the media office of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives:
058 570 38 38
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The Chairwoman and CEO’s Review of the Year
The Migros Group again set a new record in 2024 with sales of CHF 32.529 billion (+1.8 %).
The Migros Group’s online sales increased by 10.2 % to CHF 4.501 billion in 2024.
Ursula Nold and Mario Irminger talking to apprentices and trainees
Medbase grew its network to 188 medical centres, dental centres and pharmacies.
Across the Migros Group as a whole, more than 3’500 young people completed their basic training in 2024.
Migros invested CHF 138 million in various social initiatives in 2024.
At the end of 2024, Migros belonged to 2.3 million Cooperative members.
Migros is also a pioneer when it comes to financial reporting. In 2010, it became the first major Swiss company to publish a purely online report.