
Overall responsibility

Federation of Migros Cooperatives
General Secretariat

Registered address

Federation of Migros Cooperatives
Limmatstrasse 152
CH-8005 Zurich


Overall coordination, concept, creative direction, design, technical implementation: Namics 13


Script/dramaturgy, direction, camera, music, production: Shining Pictures
Concept, coordination: Namics 13


Highlights (various): Archive MGB, Migros Magazine
Photos FMC Executive Board and the Chairman's and CEO's Review: Hannes Thalmann
Group picture administration: Franz Rindlisbacher


Area of application

  • This is the online portal for the business report from Migros.
  • This information and the rules for use refer to this portal.
  • The information as well as rules for use can be altered at any time.

Intellectual property and other rights

MGB is the owner and publisher of this portal. All marks, names, titles, logos, pictures, designs, texts used on it and other materials belong to a legal entity of the Migros Group or a contractual partner of the same. No rights whatsoever (usage, intellectual property rights etc.) are acquired through opening, downloading or copying pages. Complete or partial reproduction, transmission (electronic or by other means), modification, linking or use of the portal for public or commercial purposes is not permitted without prior written permission.

Legal disclaimer

MGB cannot be held liable for any situation or effect (including negligence) which arises from access to or inability to access the portal or any of its individual elements and use of the same. Access to the portal and its use are not guaranteed.
MGB has made all efforts to ensure that the information given in the business report is correct. However, MGB cannot give any explicit or implicit assurance or guarantee (also towards third parties) concerning the exactness, reliability or completeness of the information.
MGB refuses to be held liable for any false, inadequate or missing information.

The portal contains links to the websites of third parties. These pages are not operated or monitored by MGB. MGB refuses to accept any responsibility for the contents and compliance with the legal data protection provisions by the publisher of the linked pages.

Data transmission over the Internet

The Internet is an open network accessible by everyone and is therefore not a secure environment. Although the individual data packages are always transmitted encrypted this is not the case for the sender and receiver. It is also possible for the data to be transferred to another country and therefore, with certainty, to a country with a lower data protection level than Switzerland, even when the sender and receiver are both in Switzerland. Therefore MGB cannot be held liable for the security of data while its is being transmitted over the Internet.

Gathering and using information

Through access to the portal, various access data is stored (for example IP address, date and time of the access, name of the called up file etc.).
No personal evaluations take place. The data is processed anonymously for statistical purposes, for example to establish how many accesses to the portal occurred on a particular day.
This data is handled as strictly confidential and is not passed on to or made accessible to any third party outside the Migros Group, except in cases where this is required under current legislation and by name by the responsible criminal prosecuting authorities.

Conditions for statistical recording of data

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files, which are stored on your computer and allow analysis of the use you made of the website. The information generated from a cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website in order to compile together reports about the website activities for the website publisher and also to provide other services connected with use of the website and use of the Internet. Google may also pass on this information to a third party, in as far as this is required in law or in as far as this third party processes this data on behalf of Google. Google will never bring your IP address into connection with other data from Google. You can prevent installation of the cookies by making the appropriate setting in your browser software; however, we wish to inform that that you may not then be able to enjoy the full functionality of this website. Through use of this website you are declaring that you agree to processing of the data about you which is collected by Google in the above-mentioned manner, for the above-mentioned purpose.

Imprint (pdf, 19.24 KB)