Adrian Gerny – from Lakeside Lad to Supplier


"For me, sustainability starts at 4 am with lots of fresh air."

Adrian Gerny, Professional Fisherman

Companies that supply products for Migros' regional label "Aus der Region. Für die Region." (From the region. For the region.) must meet strict requirements. Adrian Gerny is the only professional fisherman in the canton of Zurich. He delivers a large proportion of the fish that he catches in Lake Zurich to Migros, where they usually sell out before noon. More and more customers are calling for sustainable and regional products such as those offered by Adrian Gerny. That's just one reason why Migros will continue to expand its range of sustainable products.

"Sustainability is important to us: «In 2014, we became the first retailer to only sell fish from sustainable sources at fresh fish counters."

Bernhard Kammer, Head of Environment & Animal Welfare, Migros Federation of Cooperatives